Local Color XC in USA Today

As most of you know, Carson and I still hold down regular jobs on the road. Most of the time our work stuff isn't so exciting as to warrant a blog post. But when you're in USA Today for the first time, we think that counts. 

Read Carson's recap about our time in Patagonia, Ariz. with author Jim Harrison in the travel section today and, if you want to help a couple of weary road travelers out, consider sharing on any of your social channels. Every little bit helps, especially if this becomes a regular thing (and we hope it does!). Thanks + enjoy!

Road Trip USA: Rugged landscape, reclusive author enliven Arizona stop


That's Mel chatting with novelist Jim Harrison at the Wagon Wheel Saloon. Yes, she is considering the chicken enchiladas. And yes, that is a half eaten piece of rhubarb pie from Gathering Grounds Cafe, also in Patagonia, Ariz. 

That's Mel chatting with novelist Jim Harrison at the Wagon Wheel Saloon. Yes, she is considering the chicken enchiladas. And yes, that is a half eaten piece of rhubarb pie from Gathering Grounds Cafe, also in Patagonia, Ariz.